Posted by: Nguyen Duc Duy

TikTok’s Legal Expert Breaks Down The Legal Perspective of A Semi Truck Collision

A TikTok lawyer explains why a semi truck is at fault for a crash with a van. Semi trucker’s fear comes true eventually.

A viral video showing a van crashing into a semi truck has gone viral, and Attorney Ugo Lord has weighed in on who is to blame for the accident.

Details Of The Video

The video shows a semi truck attempting to make a right turn from the left lane, while a van is driving behind it in the right lane. 

That’s when things go wrong. The van slams into the front of the semi truck, causing a loud bang and a lot of damage.

Ugo Lord, a lawyer and TikTok influencer with 6.7 million followers had a clear answer for who is responsible for the crash: the semi truck driver.

“This right here is known as the wide turn collision,” Lord said. “Because this semi truck is so big, it has to go to the left lane in order to make a right hand turn. But, they still must do so safely.” he adds.

“Why? The car in the right hand lane still has the right-of-way.”

Even though the semi-truck needed extra space to turn, the van still got priority first. The driver of the van didn’t need to stop or let the big truck go first, because it was following rules on traffic and had a right to keep going. Essentially, if you are going to make a right hand turn from the left lane, it is your responsibility to make sure the coast is clear. Even if a van is overtaking the semi from the right lane, the van still has the right of way and may continue moving forward.

As the semi truck did not allow the van to pass, it’s where fault for the crash comes from – with the semi truck.

Lord said that the truck driver didn’t do it right, which means they are responsible to the van driver for all problems caused.

Public Attention

More than 3 million views of Lord’s reaction video have been recorded, and a large number of comments have been posted, with some viewers accusing the van driver of not paying attention and others blaming the semi truck driver for not signaling or checking his blind spot.

People in the comments are saying all sorts of things. One user wrote, “The semi started his turn before the van even switched lanes.”

Another said, “That VAN is reckless no matter what.”

“I had this exact same thing happen to me. Insurance decided I was at fault and found in favour of the truck as they said I was undertaking.” another chimed in with their experience.


Ugo’s video isn’t just about who messed up. It’s a lesson for everyone driving. Big trucks have rules to follow, just like cars. And when they don’t, things can go wrong. When making a right turn from the left lane, it is essential to be cautious that the coast is clear.

Thanks to Ugo, lots of users now know a bit more about staying safe on the road.

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