Posted by: Nguyen Duc Duy

Shocking Charge: A Viral Incident of Stolen Electricity Analyzed

Not long ago, a viral video created an internet sensation displaying the footage of a man uncovering an extension cord from his neighbor’s house plugged into their own home. The video points to a gross violation of the neighborly areas of responsibility; however, it’s rather unlawful to utilize another’s utility without their approval.

The Viral Video: A Shocking Discovery

This man discovers that his neighbor is stealing electric power from his home and using it to build the neighbor’s house, causing him to be angry. His feelings become obvious as he rates his anger on a scale of 1 – 10.

“On the scale from 1 to 10, how mad would you be?” he states.

He documents this audacious act by showcasing the extension cord and the under-construction house next door.

“And they are running electricity to my house from the house that he’s building,” the man says.

The video caught the attention of popular TikTok attorney Ugo Lord, known for his legal breakdowns of various incidents. 

Facing such an issue, Attorney Lord humorously emphasizes: “Scale from 1 to 10, it’s gonna be a 12 for me.”

Later on, Lord explains the potential legal implications of such an act, stating, “It is actually against the law to use your neighbor’s electricity without permission. It is called electricity theft, and you can actually go to jail for this.”

Eventually, “it makes the neighbor guilty of electricity theft,” as he concludes.

Man discovers his neighbor has an extension cord plugged into his home! Attorney Ugo Lord reaction

The law refers to a series of regulations established and administered by government bodies to guide people’s conduct. It ensures stability and justice for everyone equitably, regardless of personal characteristics. The law in question is called electricity theft.

Under the California Penal Code, it is illegal to divert utility services or use them without authorization. This also covers illegal diversion, reconnection, tampering, or misuse of utility services like electricity.

In the context of the viral video, the neighbor has potentially committed a crime by tapping into the man’s power supply without permission. This act of using another person’s electricity without their consent falls under the category of electricity theft. And it can come with serious repercussions.

Potential Consequences: Understanding the Severity

The penalties for electricity theft can be severe, depending on the value of the utility services taken or any prior convictions for the same offense. The crime can be charged either as a misdemeanor or a felony.

If the value of the utility services taken exceeds $950 or the person accused has a prior conviction for this crime, it can be a felony, leading to imprisonment for up to three years. Even if charged as a misdemeanor, the offense could result in a jail term not exceeding 364 days, along with fines, probation, and other terms and conditions.

The Concluding Verdict

In conclusion, while capturing an unusual and seemingly innocuous scenario, this video carries significant lessons about respect for property and the potential legal repercussions of unauthorized actions.

Remember, understanding your rights and respecting others’ is key to maintaining good relationships with your neighbors and staying on the right side of the law.

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