Lyft driver ejects passenger
Posted by: Susan Murphy

Controversial Lyft Driver Kicks Out Passenger: Shocking Video Goes Viral

A Lyft driver ejects a passenger for allegedly breaking the rules. Since the video went online, it has gained significant traction across all social media platforms. Many people criticized the driver, calling him unprofessional for ejecting the passenger.

We all know that every Lyft driver/company has its rules. And it is your duty as a passenger to obey them. It is also the responsibility of a Lyft driver to carry you safely to your destination. After all, you paid for the services. So, does a Lyft driver have the right to kick out a passenger? Can the passenger sue the driver or the company if the Lyft driver ejects the passenger? Let’s find out.

Who Is Correct When the Lyft driver ejects a passenger?

In the video, a mother enters the car with her infant and groceries. The Lyft driver tried to eject her and cancel the trip because she placed the items inside the vehicle instead of in the trunk. “So you’re canceling my ride because I put paper towels on your front seat?” the woman says.

“You are going to drop me and my baby off in the cold because of paper towels,” she continues. She informs the driver that since he is her driver and she has paid for his services, he has no authority to act in that manner. People start to wonder if the driver has the right to attempt to eject her. 

Can the Lyft driver Eject the passenger?

Professional lawyer Ugo Lord reacted to the “Lyft driver ejects passenger” video and commented on who was wrong with legal points. According to him, you can put groceries in the car’s trunk if you purchase groceries. But the question of putting them inside the vehicle depends on the type of groceries.

He stated that you can bring your items if there is space in the car’s interior cabin and if the items you are transporting do not damage or pose a risk to the interior. The only exceptions would be things like pets.

If Uber or Lyft has a COVID policy stating that nothing should be in the front seat, exceptions aside, you can bring your items inside the car. This means the woman has every right to place her groceries in the front seat since she paid for the space.

Can One Sue if a Lyft Driver Ejects a Passenger?

Generally, you need to have severe damages before filing a lawsuit. So you probably wouldn’t win a case against the company or the driver if you were just thrown out of the car, got upset, and didn’t get hurt. 

However, if you were kicked out of the vehicle and suffered injuries, you can sue Uber or Lyft, the driver, or both. 

Understanding the Law on Common Carrier in California

The California civil code for common carriers is 2100. Legally speaking, a common carrier carries passengers for payment, including Uber or Lyft drivers. Because of their high duty standard, typical carrier transportation businesses have stricter legal requirements. 

The law states that as a common carrier, in this case, a Lyft driver, you are to use due diligence and take all reasonable steps to prevent damage to individuals or property. And to ensure their safety, you must use the highest level of caution and attention.

In contrast to the standard of reasonable care applied to other parties in negligence lawsuits, common carriers are held to a higher standard of care. You can sue them in court if they fail to meet this standard.


As you can see in the video of the Lyft driver ejecting the passenger, the woman was justified in being upset. The Lyft driver must transport the woman and her groceries, as her paper towels won’t damage his car. Knowing your right to take appropriate action is crucial if you are ever mistreated.


  1. Aldo on May 29, 2024 at 6:11 am

    Would the paper towel packages blocking the view of his passenger side view mirror be a better explanation as to why he would not allow anything on there? Could be a safety issue.

    • Ugo Lord on May 29, 2024 at 10:43 pm

      It would certainly be a better explanation if that were the case. However, in this video the driver doesn’t allege he cannot see his side mirrors. So it would be hard for him to assert this claim after the fact. Thanks for your comment!

  2. […] the end of the clip, the driver even politely asks the two riders to leave, which is also within his […]

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