Seaplane Crash: Learn Right-Of-Way Rules In The Ocean

This viral video shows a seaplane crash into a passenger boat in Vancouver, B.C.

Waves, sunlight, and relaxation. You’d probably hope to encounter these things during a fun day out on the ocean. One thing no one would expect is a seaplane crash, especially one involving a head-on collision and high speeds. Unfortunately, this became the tragic reality for a couple of boaters relaxing in the video clip below.…

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Taylor Swift Concert Cancelations: Swifties Left On The Streets

Three of Taylor Swift's concerts have been cancelled following serious threats

In an expected turn of events, planned terror attacks slated for performances in Austria have led to three Taylor Swift concert cancelations. With information from the Austrian government, Swift and her team instantly canceled the Austrian leg of her tour.  Police detained and questioned three young teenagers about the threats. It appears that those arrested…

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Police Knock and Talk Depicted In Viral Video Clip

This viral video has people wondering if people can stop you from closing your own door

In this jarring video clip, a teenager captures the moments when a police officer prevents him from closing the door to his home. In the video, a police knock and talk seemingly resulted in the infringement of multiple rights.  It first shows the officer standing at the boy’s front door. The teenager exclaims, “This is…

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Watch This Officer Stop a Man At His Own House

This viral clips brings into question whether this cop is acting under biased profiling or reasonable suspicion

Home is one of the places where you should feel the most safe in life. Whether after a long day of work or during a harsh storm, our homes act as a place of relaxation and safety. In this viral video clip, the idea of home as a refuge flips on its head as an…

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Learn The Statute Of Fraud In this Viral Video

This video clips shows a realty dispute involving a $200,000 oral agreement

When you buy a house, there are countless things that you have to manage at the same time. Many moving parts go into a single sale, from organizing your things and moving from your old home to preparing your new space and settling finances. One thing that many overlook is the importance of the contract…

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Prankster Crosses The Line: Is He Committing a Crime?

This prankster gave unsuspecting strangers one of the spiciest chips on earth

Pranks are one of the most unique sources of common fun. Everyone reading this has likely been at the wrong end of a harmless joke. Pranks are so popular that we even have a holiday dedicated to pulling them off: April Fool’s Day. What happens, though, when a prankster crosses the line? Is there prank…

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New York Judge In Hot Water After Scandalous Video Is Released

This judge is in hot water after a video is released of her threatening a group of teenagers

A recent video release shows a New York Judge threatening to shoot four teenagers after a graduation party. The clip comes from body camera footage released by the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct. The republican judge, Erin P. Gall, presides in the State Supreme Court in Oneida County. The original incident occurred in…

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Who’s Liable In a Self-Driving Car Accident?

Watch this video clip of a driver swerving out of the way as his autonomous car barrels towards a train

Depending on who you ask, self-driving cars are a way of the future. Over the past few years, technological advancements have allowed for the production of cars with full or partial self-driving capability. While some marvel at these advancements, others are weary of their possible dangers. Their suspicions only worsen when news reporters broadcast stories…

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Man Receives $14,000 Failure to Yield Fine: Is It Justified?

After causing an accident, this officer sent a $14,000 to a civilian

When conducting their job, police officers can sometimes do things that seem confusing or deceiving. They use speed traps, set up undercover operations, and sometimes use deceiving tactics to help perform arrests. When not directly stopping a crime, these behaviors can confuse people who may encounter police. This is the case for this man driving…

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