Alex Choi is a youtuber facing charges in relation for a fireworks stunt video
Posted by: Ryan Fisher

Youtuber Facing Charges in Wake of Highly Illegal Fireworks Stunt

Suk Min Choi is a YouTuber known under the username “Alex Choi.” Following the planning and execution of a dangerous firework stunt, the YouTuber faces charges.

Choi allegedly directed and facilitated the shooting of a video that involved illegal fireworks in a helicopter. The video, now only viewable on an archive site, was initially titled “Destroying a Lamborghini With Fireworks.” It took place on the El Mirage Dry Lakebed in San Bernadino County. The footage shows Choi riding in a luxury Lamborghini as a helicopter closely follows. In the aircraft, two women shoot fireworks at the Lamborghini. The fireworks strike the Lamborghini, enveloping it in sparks while it drives. All the while, both vehicles continue driving at extremely high speeds in a dangerous chase. Later in the video, Choi fires off pyrotechnics from the Lamborghini aimed at the helicopter. In the end, some fireworks fall to strike some of the crew filming the scene. 

The video debuted on YouTube on July 4th, 2023. In his words, Choi advertised the video as “The craziest Fourth of July video involving cars and fireworks.” Reports indicate that he filmed the video in June 2023, making multiple visits to the location to capture additional content.

Choi Broke Multiple Laws and Regulations

Choi broke multiple laws and regulations regarding the use of fireworks and use of a helicopter

Although it may seem like a harmless stunt, Choi reportedly broke numerous laws and regulations in creating his video. First, the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) began investigating shortly after the video was published. In their investigation, they claim that the pilot failed to obtain proper waivers and failed to submit a flight plan for the shoot. They have supposedly suspended the pilot’s license from the incident. 

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tabacco, Firearms, and Explosives also had things to say about Choi’s actions. Their complaint states that Choi and his team failed to obtain licenses to purchase and use the fireworks shown in the video. Likewise, their filming location was on federal land, requiring a filming permit, professional pyrotechnicians, and fire safety personnel. One named charge related to these offenses is “placing an explosive or incendiary device on an aircraft.” 

Lastly, California generally bans the discharge of fireworks for safety reasons. For this reason, Choi is breaking another critical law. On their own fireworks laws can be hefty on their own. For example, in the city of Orange, California, the prohibited use of fireworks can result in a minimum fine of $1000 or a year in jail. 

In culmination, Choi’s direct participation and later confirmation of giving direction to others has helped solidify his charges in the eyes of the law. 

Youtuber Facing Charges: Choi’s Current Hearings 

On June 5th, 2024, police arrested Choi and charged him with “causing the placement of an explosive or incendiary device on an aircraft.” He later appeared on June 6th, 2024, in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California. After the court visit, law enforcement released him on a $50,000 bond. He is scheduled for a formal arraignment on July 2nd, 2024, almost a year after the release of his video. 

As it stands, Alex Choi faces up to 10 years in prison for his various offenses.

Celebrities and the Law 

Choi is just one of many celebrities that have been having major run-ins with the law

In recent years, we have seen an increasing amount of celebrities having run-ins with the law. From Nicki Minaj’s recent arrest in Amsterdam to prosecutors charging Trump with 34 felonies, we see more legal action against celebrities in the public eye. Choi is not the only YouTuber facing charges, with others like Ruby Franke coming to mind. Some appreciate these stories because they remind us of what the U.S. legal system is supposed to be: just and fair.

With Alex Choi’s upcoming arraignment in mind, it will be interesting to see the developments of his legal charges. According to the U.S. The U.S. Attorney’s Office states that investigators are still examining his proposed direction of the video, and they will assume his innocence until proven guilty in a court of law.

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